Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Country | Country | Details | |
Postal Code | Postal Code | Details | |
State | State | Details | |
City | City | Details | |
Address 2 | Address 2 | Details | |
Address 1 | Address 1 | Details | |
Your billing information cannot be updated at this time. | Your billing information cannot be updated at this time. | Details | |
Your billing information cannot be updated at this time. Your billing information cannot be updated at this time.
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Your payment subscription is managed by PayPal. Please <a href="">login to PayPal here</a> to update your billing information. | Your payment subscription is managed by PayPal. Please <a href="">login to PayPal here</a> to update your billing information. | Details | |
Your payment subscription is managed by PayPal. Please <a href="">login to PayPal here</a> to update your billing information. Your payment subscription is managed by PayPal. Please <a href="">login to PayPal here</a> to update your billing information.
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Payment Instructions | Payment Instructions | Details | |
Next payment on | Next payment on | Details | |
You are logged in as <strong>%s</strong>. If you would like to update your billing information for a different account, <a href="%s">log out now</a>. | You are logged in as <strong>%s</strong>. If you would like to update your billing information for a different account, <a href="%s">log out now</a>. | Details | |
You are logged in as <strong>%s</strong>. If you would like to update your billing information for a different account, <a href="%s">log out now</a>. You are logged in as <strong>%s</strong>. If you would like to update your billing information for a different account, <a href="%s">log out now</a>.
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Customize this menu per level using the <a href="%s" title="Paid Memberships Pro - Nav Menus Add On" target="_blank">Nav Menus Add On</a>. Assign the menu under Appearance > Menus. | Customise this menu per level using the <a href="%s" title="Paid Memberships Pro - Nav Menus Add On" target="_blank">Nav Menus Add On</a>. Assign the menu under Appearance > Menus. | Details | |
Customize this menu per level using the <a href="%s" title="Paid Memberships Pro - Nav Menus Add On" target="_blank">Nav Menus Add On</a>. Assign the menu under Appearance > Menus. Customise this menu per level using the <a href="%s" title="Paid Memberships Pro - Nav Menus Add On" target="_blank">Nav Menus Add On</a>. Assign the menu under Appearance > Menus.
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Display the "Log In Widget" menu. | Display the "Log In Widget" menu. | Details | |
Display the "Log In Widget" menu. Display the "Log In Widget" menu.
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Display a "Log Out" link. | Display a "Log Out" link. | Details | |
Display "Welcome" content when logged in. | Display "Welcome" content when logged in. | Details | |
Display "Welcome" content when logged in. Display "Welcome" content when logged in.
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