Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
No Discount Codes Found | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
Cancel | Cancelar | Details | |
Save Code | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
Set the duration of membership access. Note that the any future payments (recurring subscription, if any) will be cancelled when the membership expires. | Elixe a duración de acceso para a afiliación. Ten en conta que calquera futuro pagamento ( afiliacións recorrentes, se as hai) serán canceladas cando a afiliación expire. | Details | |
Set the duration of membership access. Note that the any future payments (recurring subscription, if any) will be cancelled when the membership expires. Elixe a duración de acceso para a afiliación. Ten en conta que calquera futuro pagamento ( afiliacións recorrentes, se as hai) serán canceladas cando a afiliación expire.
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Hour(s) | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
Expires In | Expira en | Details | |
Check this to set when membership access expires. | Marcar isto para elixir cando termina o acceso á afiliación. | Details | |
Check this to set when membership access expires. Marcar isto para elixir cando termina o acceso á afiliación.
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Membership Expiration | Expiración da afiliación | Details | |
Payflow integration currently does not support trial amounts greater than $0. | A integracion con Payflow actualmente non soporta cantidades para o periodo de proba superiores a $0. | Details | |
Payflow integration currently does not support trial amounts greater than $0. A integracion con Payflow actualmente non soporta cantidades para o periodo de proba superiores a $0.
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Braintree integration currently does not support trial amounts greater than $0. | A integracion con Braintree actualmente non soporta cantidades para o periodo de proba superiores a $0. | Details | |
Braintree integration currently does not support trial amounts greater than $0. A integracion con Braintree actualmente non soporta cantidades para o periodo de proba superiores a $0.
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Stripe integration currently does not support trial amounts greater than $0. | A integracion con Stripe actualmente non soporta cantidades para o periodo de proba superiores a $0. | Details | |
Stripe integration currently does not support trial amounts greater than $0. A integracion con Stripe actualmente non soporta cantidades para o periodo de proba superiores a $0.
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subscription payments | pagamentos da afiliación | Details | |
for the first | por o primeiro | Details | |
Trial Billing Amount | Cantidade a facturar por período de proba | Details | |
Trial Billing Amount Cantidade a facturar por período de proba
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2Checkout integration does not support custom trials. You can do one period trials by setting an initial payment different from the billing amount. | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
2Checkout integration does not support custom trials. You can do one period trials by setting an initial payment different from the billing amount.
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