Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Your application to %s is still pending. | Your application to %s is still pending. | Details | |
Your application to %s is still pending. Your application to %s is still pending.
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Since your application to the %s level has been denied, you may not check out for this level. | Since your application to the %s level has been denied, you may not check out for this level. | Details | |
Since your application to the %s level has been denied, you may not check out for this level. Since your application to the %s level has been denied, you may not check out for this level.
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Your previous application for this level has been denied. You will not be allowed to check out. | Your previous application for this level has been denied. You will not be allowed to check out. | Details | |
Your previous application for this level has been denied. You will not be allowed to check out. Your previous application for this level has been denied. You will not be allowed to check out.
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Which Level? | Which Level? | Details | |
Yes. User must have an approved membership for a different level AND admin must approve new members for this level. | Yes. User must have an approved membership for a different level AND admin must approve new members for this level. | Details | |
Yes. User must have an approved membership for a different level AND admin must approve new members for this level. Yes. User must have an approved membership for a different level AND admin must approve new members for this level.
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Yes. User must have an approved membership for a different level. | Yes. User must have an approved membership for a different level. | Details | |
Yes. User must have an approved membership for a different level. Yes. User must have an approved membership for a different level.
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Yes. Admin must approve new members for this level. | Yes. Admin must approve new members for this level. | Details | |
Yes. Admin must approve new members for this level. Yes. Admin must approve new members for this level.
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No. | No. | Details | |
Requires Approval? | Requires Approval? | Details | |
Approval Settings | Approval Settings | Details | |
A member at %s has been denied. | A member at %s has been denied. | Details | |
A member at %s has been denied. A member at %s has been denied.
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A member at %s has been approved. | A member at %s has been approved. | Details | |
A member at %s has been approved. A member at %s has been approved.
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A member at %s is waiting approval. | A member at %s is waiting approval. | Details | |
A member at %s is waiting approval. A member at %s is waiting approval.
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Approval reset. | Approval reset. | Details | |
No level ID given. Please pass a level ID to resetMember(). | No level ID given. Please pass a level ID to resetMember(). | Details | |
No level ID given. Please pass a level ID to resetMember(). No level ID given. Please pass a level ID to resetMember().
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