Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Updating Paid Memberships Pro | Updating Paid Memberships Pro | Details | |
Updating Paid Memberships Pro Updating Paid Memberships Pro
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Refunded | Επεστράφη | Details | |
Amount | Ποσό | Details | |
ending in | λήγει σε | Details | |
Price | Τιμή | Details | |
Item | Προιόν | Details | |
Bill to: | Χρέωση στο | Details | |
Date: | Ημερομηνία: | Details | |
Membership Level | Membership Level | Details | |
Pass all generated HTML through a URL filter to add HTTPS to URLs used on secure pages. Check this if you are using SSL and have warnings on your checkout pages. | Pass all generated HTML through a URL filter to add HTTPS to URLs used on secure pages. Check this if you are using SSL and have warnings on your checkout pages. | Details | |
Pass all generated HTML through a URL filter to add HTTPS to URLs used on secure pages. Check this if you are using SSL and have warnings on your checkout pages. Pass all generated HTML through a URL filter to add HTTPS to URLs used on secure pages. Check this if you are using SSL and have warnings on your checkout pages.
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Extra HTTPS URL Filter | Επιπρόσθετο HTTPS URL Φιλτράρισμα | Details | |
Extra HTTPS URL Filter Επιπρόσθετο HTTPS URL Φιλτράρισμα
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Recommended: Yes. Try the JavaScript redirects setting if you are having issues with infinite redirect loops. | Recommended: Yes. Try the JavaScript redirects setting if you are having issues with infinite redirect loops. | Details | |
Recommended: Yes. Try the JavaScript redirects setting if you are having issues with infinite redirect loops. Recommended: Yes. Try the JavaScript redirects setting if you are having issues with infinite redirect loops.
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Yes (with JavaScript redirects) | Ναι (με χρήση JavaScript redirects) | Details | |
Yes (with JavaScript redirects) Ναι (με χρήση JavaScript redirects)
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Your Site URL starts with https:// and so PMPro will allow your entire site to be served over HTTPS. | Η διεύθυνση URL του ιστότοπού σας ξεκινά με https: // και έτσι το PMPro θα επιτρέψει την προβολή ολόκληρου του ιστότοπού σας μέσω HTTPS. | Details | |
Your Site URL starts with https:// and so PMPro will allow your entire site to be served over HTTPS. Η διεύθυνση URL του ιστότοπού σας ξεκινά με https: // και έτσι το PMPro θα επιτρέψει την προβολή ολόκληρου του ιστότοπού σας μέσω HTTPS.
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Force SSL | Χρήση SSL | Details | |
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