Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Cancel the user's subscription for this level. | Cancel the user's subscription for this level. | Details | |
Cancel the user's subscription for this level. Cancel the user's subscription for this level.
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Cancel Subscription | Cancel Subscription | Details | |
Note: The next payment date for this level is %s. | Note: The next payment date for this level is %s. | Details | |
Note: The next payment date for this level is %s. Note: The next payment date for this level is %s.
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Click to set the level expiration date. | Click to set the level expiration date. | Details | |
Click to set the level expiration date. Click to set the level expiration date.
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Level Expiration | Level Expiration | Details | |
You are editing the following membership level: %s. | You are editing the following membership level: %s. | Details | |
You are editing the following membership level: %s. You are editing the following membership level: %s.
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Edit Membership | Edit Membership | Details | |
No subscription found. | No subscription found. | Details | |
View Details | View Details | Details | |
View Subscriptions | View Subscriptions | Details | |
Details | |
Singular: This user has %1$d active subscription for this level. %2$s
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Plural: This user has %1$d active subscriptions for this level. %2$s
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Subscription | Subscription | Details | |
Expiration | Expiration | Details | |
Users can hold multiple levels from this group. | Users can hold multiple levels from this group. | Details | |
Users can hold multiple levels from this group. Users can hold multiple levels from this group.
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Users can only hold one level from this group. | Users can only hold one level from this group. | Details | |
Users can only hold one level from this group. Users can only hold one level from this group.
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