Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Membership Expired | Članstvo isteklo | Details | |
Your membership at !!sitename!! has ended | Vaše članstvo na !!sitename!! je isteklo. | Details | |
Your membership at !!sitename!! has ended Vaše članstvo na !!sitename!! je isteklo.
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Your membership confirmation for !!sitename!! | Potvrda Vašeg članstva na !!sitename!! | Details | |
Your membership confirmation for !!sitename!! Potvrda Vašeg članstva na !!sitename!!
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Membership for !!user_login!! at !!sitename!! has been CANCELLED | Članarina za korisnika !!user_login!! na !!sitename!! je OTKAZANA | Details | |
Membership for !!user_login!! at !!sitename!! has been CANCELLED Članarina za korisnika !!user_login!! na !!sitename!! je OTKAZANA
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<p>Your membership at !!sitename!! has been cancelled.</p>↵ ↵ <p>Account: !!display_name!! (!!user_email!!)</p>↵ <p>Membership Level: !!membership_level_name!!</p>↵ ↵ <p>If you did not request this cancellation and would like more information please contact us at !!siteemail!!</p> | <p>Vaša članarina na !!sitename!! je otkazana.</p>↵↵ ↵↵ <p>Podaci o korisniku: !!display_name!! (!!user_email!!)</p>↵↵ <p>Vrsta članarine: !!membership_level_name!!</p>↵↵ ↵↵ <p>Ako niste zatražili otkazivanje članstva ili želite saznati više informacija slobodno nas kontaktirajte na !!siteemail!!</p> | Details | |
<p>Your membership at !!sitename!! has been cancelled.</p>↵ ↵ <p>Account: !!display_name!! (!!user_email!!)</p>↵ <p>Membership Level: !!membership_level_name!!</p>↵ ↵ <p>If you did not request this cancellation and would like more information please contact us at !!siteemail!!</p> <p>Vaša članarina na !!sitename!! je otkazana.</p>↵↵ ↵↵ <p>Podaci o korisniku: !!display_name!! (!!user_email!!)</p>↵↵ <p>Vrsta članarine: !!membership_level_name!!</p>↵↵ ↵↵ <p>Ako niste zatražili otkazivanje članstva ili želite saznati više informacija slobodno nas kontaktirajte na !!siteemail!!</p>
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Your membership at !!sitename!! has been CANCELLED | Vaša članarina na !!sitename!! je OTKAZANA | Details | |
Your membership at !!sitename!! has been CANCELLED Vaša članarina na !!sitename!! je OTKAZANA
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Admin Change | Administratorska promjena | Details | |
Restrict a Course | Ograničite tečaj | Details | |
Security check failed. | Neuspjela sigurnosna provjera. | Details | |
Membership Orders Page | Stranica za narudžbe za članstvo | Details | |
Membership Orders Page Stranica za narudžbe za članstvo
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Go to Security Settings | Idite na Sigurnosne postavke | Details | |
Stripe login credentials are not set. | Stripe vjerodajnice za prijavu nisu postavljene. | Details | |
Stripe login credentials are not set. Stripe vjerodajnice za prijavu nisu postavljene.
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View without membership access | Pogled bez članskog pristupa | Details | |
View without membership access Pogled bez članskog pristupa
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Learn More | Saznaj više | Details | |
Some event types have not yet been triggered in Stripe. More information will be available here once Stripe attempts to send webhooks for each event type. In the meantime, please ensure that you have a webhook set up in Stripe for the Webhook URL shown below with all of the listed event types active. | Neke vrste događaja još nisu pokrenute u Stripeu. Više informacija bit će dostupno ovdje nakon što Stripe pokuša poslati webhooks za svaku vrstu događaja. U međuvremenu provjerite imate li u Stripeu postavljen webhook za URL webhook prikazan u nastavku sa aktivnim svim navedenim vrstama događaja. | Details | |
Some event types have not yet been triggered in Stripe. More information will be available here once Stripe attempts to send webhooks for each event type. In the meantime, please ensure that you have a webhook set up in Stripe for the Webhook URL shown below with all of the listed event types active. Neke vrste događaja još nisu pokrenute u Stripeu. Više informacija bit će dostupno ovdje nakon što Stripe pokuša poslati webhooks za svaku vrstu događaja. U međuvremenu provjerite imate li u Stripeu postavljen webhook za URL webhook prikazan u nastavku sa aktivnim svim navedenim vrstama događaja.
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