Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
subscription payments | Оплаты подписок | Details | |
subscription payments
Warning: The translation appears to be missing the initial lowercase.
Оплаты подписок
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The <strong>total</strong> number of recurring billing cycles for this level, including the trial period (if applicable) but not including the initial payment. Set to zero if membership is indefinite. | <strong>Полное</strong> количество циклов повторяющихся оплат для этого уровня, включая тестовый период (если применяется), но не включая первоначальный платёж. Укажите 0, если подписка бесконечна. | Details | |
The <strong>total</strong> number of recurring billing cycles for this level, including the trial period (if applicable) but not including the initial payment. Set to zero if membership is indefinite.
Warning: The translation appears to be adding 1 space at the beginning.
<strong>Полное</strong> количество циклов повторяющихся оплат для этого уровня, включая тестовый период (если применяется), но не включая первоначальный платёж. Укажите 0, если подписка бесконечна.
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Year(s) | год(ы) | Details | |
Warning: The translation appears to be missing the initial uppercase.
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Month(s) | месяц(ы) | Details | |
Warning: The translation appears to be missing the initial uppercase.
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Week(s) | неделя(и) | Details | |
Warning: The translation appears to be missing the initial uppercase.
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Day(s) | день | Details | |
Warning: The translation appears to be missing the initial uppercase.
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