Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Yes - All memberships. | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
Use reCAPTCHA? | Använd reCAPTCHA? | Details | |
reCAPTCHA failed. (%s) Please try again. | reCAPTCHA misslyckades. (%s) Vänligen försök igen. | Details | |
reCAPTCHA failed. (%s) Please try again. reCAPTCHA misslyckades. (%s) Vänligen försök igen.
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ReCAPTCHA not submitted. | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
Please check the ReCAPTCHA box to confirm you are not a bot. | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
Please check the ReCAPTCHA box to confirm you are not a bot.
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ReCAPTCHA validation failed. Try again. | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
Current Password | Nuvarande lösenord | Details | |
Change Password | Ändra lösenord | Details | |
Your password has been updated. | Ditt lösenord har uppdaterats. | Details | |
Your password has been updated. Ditt lösenord har uppdaterats.
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Your current password is incorrect. | Ditt nuvarande lösenord är felaktigt. | Details | |
Your current password is incorrect. Ditt nuvarande lösenord är felaktigt.
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Please enter your current password. | Ange ditt nuvarande lösenord. | Details | |
Please enter your current password. Ange ditt nuvarande lösenord.
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Cancel changes and return to the account page | Avbryt ändringarna och gå tillbaka till kontosidan | Details | |
Cancel changes and return to the account page Avbryt ändringarna och gå tillbaka till kontosidan
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Update Profile | Uppdatera profil | Details | |
Submit the update profile form | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
Site administrators must use the WordPress dashboard to update their email address. | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
Site administrators must use the WordPress dashboard to update their email address.
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