Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Important: This plugin requires a valid PMPro %s license key to update. | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
Important: This plugin requires a valid PMPro %s license key to update.
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These are users who were created during the Paid Memberships Pro checkout process but haven't yet completed checkout or performed any other action on your site. You should periodically delete users from this list if the Registered date is more than a few days old. | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
These are users who were created during the Paid Memberships Pro checkout process but haven't yet completed checkout or performed any other action on your site. You should periodically delete users from this list if the Registered date is more than a few days old.
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Potential Spam Checkouts | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
Check Out with 2Checkout | Betala med 2Checkout | Details | |
To fully integrate with 2Checkout, be sure to use the following for your INS URL and Approved URL | För att helt integreras med 2Checkout, vara noga med att använda följande för din INS URL och godkänd URL | Details | |
To fully integrate with 2Checkout, be sure to use the following for your INS URL and Approved URL För att helt integreras med 2Checkout, vara noga med att använda följande för din INS URL och godkänd URL
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TwoCheckout INS URL | TwoCheckout INS URL | Details | |
Go to Account » Site Management. Look under Checkout Options to find the Secret Word. | Gå till Konto » webbplatshantering. Titta under Kassa-alternativ för att hitta hemligt ord. | Details | |
Go to Account » Site Management. Look under Checkout Options to find the Secret Word. Gå till Konto » webbplatshantering. Titta under Kassa-alternativ för att hitta hemligt ord.
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Secret Word | Hemligt ord | Details | |
Click on the profile icon in 2Checkout to find your Account Number. | Klicka på ikonen under profilen i 2Checkout för att hitta ditt kontonummer. | Details | |
Click on the profile icon in 2Checkout to find your Account Number. Klicka på ikonen under profilen i 2Checkout för att hitta ditt kontonummer.
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Password for the API user created. | Lösenord för API användaren skapas. | Details | |
Password for the API user created. Lösenord för API användaren skapas.
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Go to Account » User Management in 2Checkout and create a user with API Access and API Updating. | Gå till konto » Användarhantering i 2Checkout och skapa en användare med API-åtkomst och uppdatering av API. | Details | |
Go to Account » User Management in 2Checkout and create a user with API Access and API Updating. Gå till konto » Användarhantering i 2Checkout och skapa en användare med API-åtkomst och uppdatering av API.
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2Checkout Settings | 2Checkout Inställningar | Details | |
2Checkout | 2Checkout | Details | |
Admin: There was a problem processing the refund | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
Admin: An error occurred while attempting to process this refund. | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
Admin: An error occurred while attempting to process this refund.
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