Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Credit card expiring email sent to %s. | E-mail informující o konci platnosti platební karty byl zaslán na %s. | Details | |
Credit card expiring email sent to %s.
Warning: The translation appears to be missing 1 space at the end.
E-mail informující o konci platnosti platební karty byl zaslán na %s.
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Membership expiring email sent to %s. | E-mail informující o brzkém vypršení členství byl zaslán na %s. | Details | |
Membership expiring email sent to %s.
Warning: The translation appears to be missing 1 space at the end.
E-mail informující o brzkém vypršení členství byl zaslán na %s.
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Membership expired email sent to %s. | E-mail informující o vypršení členství byl zaslán na %s. | Details | |
Membership expired email sent to %s.
Warning: The translation appears to be missing 1 space at the end.
E-mail informující o vypršení členství byl zaslán na %s.
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A Payment Gateway must be set up before any payments will be processed. | Předtím, než budou moci být zpracovány jakékoliv platby, musí být nastavena platební brána. | Details | |
A Payment Gateway must be set up before any payments will be processed. Předtím, než budou moci být zpracovány jakékoliv platby, musí být nastavena platební brána.
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You must <a href="%s">set up a Payment Gateway</a> before any payments will be processed. | Před zpracováním jakýchkoliv plateb musíte <a href="%s">nastavit platební bránu</a>. | Details | |
You must <a href="%s">set up a Payment Gateway</a> before any payments will be processed. Před zpracováním jakýchkoliv plateb musíte <a href="%s">nastavit platební bránu</a>.
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IMPORTANT: Something went wrong while processing your checkout. Your credit card was charged, but we couldn't assign your membership. You should not submit this form again. Please contact the site owner to fix this issue. | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
IMPORTANT: Something went wrong while processing your checkout. Your credit card was charged, but we couldn't assign your membership. You should not submit this form again. Please contact the site owner to fix this issue.
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IMPORTANT: Something went wrong while processing your checkout. Your credit card authorized, but we cancelled the order immediately. You should not try to submit this form again. Please contact the site owner to fix this issue. | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
IMPORTANT: Something went wrong while processing your checkout. Your credit card authorized, but we cancelled the order immediately. You should not try to submit this form again. Please contact the site owner to fix this issue.
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Unknown error generating account. Please contact us to set up your membership. | Neznámá chyba při generování účtu. Prosím, kontaktujte nás pro nastavení vašeho členství. | Details | |
Unknown error generating account. Please contact us to set up your membership. Neznámá chyba při generování účtu. Prosím, kontaktujte nás pro nastavení vašeho členství.
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Payment accepted. | Platba byla přijata. | Details | |
Order creation checks failed. | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
There was an error setting up your account. Please contact us. | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
There was an error setting up your account. Please contact us.
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User creation checks failed. | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
That email address is already in use. Please log in, or use a different email address. | Tato e-mailová adresa je již použita. Přihlaste se prosím nebo použijte jinou e-mailovou adresu. | Details | |
That email address is already in use. Please log in, or use a different email address. Tato e-mailová adresa je již použita. Přihlaste se prosím nebo použijte jinou e-mailovou adresu.
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That username is already taken. Please try another. | Toto uživatelské jméno se již používá. Zkuste prosím jiné. | Details | |
That username is already taken. Please try another. Toto uživatelské jméno se již používá. Zkuste prosím jiné.
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Your passwords do not match. Please try again. | Vaše hesla se neshodují. Zkuste to prosím znovu. | Details | |
Your passwords do not match. Please try again. Vaše hesla se neshodují. Zkuste to prosím znovu.
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