Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Payflow does not use IPN. To sync recurring subscriptions, please see the <a target="_blank" href="%s" title="the Payflow Recurring Orders Add On">Payflow Recurring Orders Add On</a>. | Payflow gebruikt geen IPN. Als je terugkerende abonnementen wilt synchroniseren, raadpleeg je de <a target="_blank" href="%s" title="the Payflow Recurring Orders Add On"> Payflow Recurring Orders Add On </a>. | Details | |
Payflow does not use IPN. To sync recurring subscriptions, please see the <a target="_blank" href="%s" title="the Payflow Recurring Orders Add On">Payflow Recurring Orders Add On</a>. Payflow gebruikt geen IPN. Als je terugkerende abonnementen wilt synchroniseren, raadpleeg je de <a target="_blank" href="%s" title="the Payflow Recurring Orders Add On"> Payflow Recurring Orders Add On </a>.
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IPN Handler | IPN-handler | Details | |
Vendor | Verkoper | Details | |
Partner | Partner | Details | |
Payflow Pro Settings | Payflow Pro instellingen | Details | |
Payflow Pro/PayPal Pro | Payflow Pro/PayPal Pro | Details | |
Invalid fields: | Ongeldige velden: | Details | |
Unknown error. | Onbekende fout. | Details | |
Your order has been refused. | Je order is geweigerd. | Details | |
Smart Authorization failed. | Slimme autorisatie is mislukt. | Details | |
Smart Authorization failed. Slimme autorisatie is mislukt.
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Order has been rejected by Decision Manager. | Order is afgewezen door Decision Manager. | Details | |
Order has been rejected by Decision Manager. Order is afgewezen door Decision Manager.
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Unsupported character set. Verify the character set that you are using to process transactions. | Niet-ondersteunde tekenset. Controleer de tekenset die je gebruikt om transacties te verwerken. | Details | |
Unsupported character set. Verify the character set that you are using to process transactions. Niet-ondersteunde tekenset. Controleer de tekenset die je gebruikt om transacties te verwerken.
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Address match not found. Check that your billing address is valid. | Adres overeenkomst niet gevonden. Controleer of je factuuradres geldig is. | Details | |
Address match not found. Check that your billing address is valid. Adres overeenkomst niet gevonden. Controleer of je factuuradres geldig is.
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Multiple address matches were found (international). Check that your billing address is valid. | Er zijn meerdere adres overeenkomsten gevonden (internationaal). Controleer of je factuuradres geldig is. | Details | |
Multiple address matches were found (international). Check that your billing address is valid. Er zijn meerdere adres overeenkomsten gevonden (internationaal). Controleer of je factuuradres geldig is.
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Unable to verify or correct address. Check that your billing address is valid. | Kan adres niet verifiëren of corrigeren. Controleer of je factuuradres geldig is. | Details | |
Unable to verify or correct address. Check that your billing address is valid. Kan adres niet verifiëren of corrigeren. Controleer of je factuuradres geldig is.
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